I've been looking back at old photos a LOT lately, so I decided to bring a few old favorites back to life and reminisce on randomness from past summers.
-This is honestly one of my favorite photos of Caleb and I! He was a groomsmen in a childhood friends wedding and we drove down to Memphis for it! It was the summer right after we got married so my hair was still crazy long, and I curled it (which I never used to do). I have to say this is my new hair goal. I've loved it short, but I'm ready for a change!
-Last year for my birthday we took a trip to Indy with our best friends! It was a lot of fun. The state fair proved to be quite the attraction with so much to do, see and EAT!
-YEARS ago when our friends didn't live more than 10 minutes from us, we went to visit sweet little Nora. Many of our summer evenings were spent with them! Its hard for us to live over 30 minutes from them now. We miss you, Young family!! This photo always made me so happy. She was "hiding" from him!
-Last Summer our church shut its doors the Sunday of Labor Day weekend (which we're doing again this year!) and we went out in the community to "rise and build". Some folks needed their weeds pulled, others needed help painting, others just needed food. Its a great feeling to give back!
-Last summer we spent a LOT of time at our favorite donut shop. What's bad is since we moved last September, we could literally walk there now. Maybe I will convince Caleb we can get our steps in by walking to the donut shop? ;)
-Two years ago, when I turned 23, these cuties helped me ring it in the right way. Erin made me a personalized checklist for the evening, we made hilarious music videos and just hung out eating way too much cake and ice cream.
-The time Caleb got me Paramore tickets for my 19th birthday! I was so surprised! He still leaves me this smitten.
-Two Summers ago when I was cooking like a boss, trying new recipes. Where did that version of me go? I hope she comes back! ;) hopefully next week...I've actually meal planned my butt off! Woo!