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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A little time off will motivate you.

At least it did for me. If you recall, I mentioned I took a fall two weeks ago and hurt my ankle, two days later it was a bruised, swollen mess. So, I decided to take the week off from running...and then last week? I was just plain lazy. I only hit the gym twice and was missing it badly. Am I the only one who loves the feeling of being sore? I seriously love it, because it lets me know my muscles are being worked and my body is CHANGING.

The other night a friend and I were talking about how we just aren't as confident in ourselves as we used to be...and you know what? It's a pretty crummy feeling. I hate that after I take a picture I worry if the angle made my already round face look rounder or not. I want to be fit, and KNOW that I'm treating my body well. I hadn't been working out, and I certainly was still watching what I ate, but not as closely as usual.

So on Saturday? Caleb and I decided to hit up the store...we came  home with a five, yes, FIVE pound bag of chocolate flavored protein powder, a pre-workout mix, and a cute new blender bottle for my shakes (she's pink!). 

It got me so excited again. I love the feeling of being INTENTIONAL with my workouts. I'll admit, I don't always LOVE going to the gym...but I'll tell you what I do love. The feeling I get when I'm done with my workout. Yes, it usually always sucks. Yes, I always sweat like a pig...and yes, I'm always freaking tired afterwards...but do I ever regret it? NEVER.

I'm more ready than ever to begin vigorously training for this half marathon, and get so excited thinking about running it with my people I love the most!

What keeps you motivated?


  1. I feel the exact way, a little dread about going but always happy I did and ready to do it again! I wish protein came in more than just 4-5 lb bags..we go though a lot! Those are the BEST, blender bottles.

  2. Totally agree with you, I have NEVER once in my life regretted a work out. Even if it was only a short half assed one! I love my Shakeology! Gives me tons of energy and taste awesome!

  3. I'm glad your ankle wasn't hurt worse and know you will keep on keepin' on girl! :) Getting a protein you like is SO important.. I had to try a few before I was actually excited to drink it haha :)

  4. It definitely helps me too to take some time off! The best part of exercising is being able to take control and doing it for yourself! I can not wait for you to run and ROCK that half marathon! And then when you're signing up for another, maybe I can join! ;)

  5. Totally agree with you! Guilt keeps me motivated, haha. I know that while I might not feel like working out right at that moment, the regret and guilt I will feel if I don't will be sooo much worse. I make my workouts a part of my daily schedule just like I would any other appointment, and that way I always make time for them.
    So excited to hear about your half marathon training! You are going to do awesome!

  6. YOU CAN DO IT! Know it's ok to have off days but keep in mind where you want to be. Write it everywhere and know that you CAN and you WILL! We will all be here pushing you forward. Love you friend.


Thanks for your comments, I read and respond to every single one of them! :) Excited to get to know you!