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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Taking that leap today.

Yesterday, I was home from work sick with a terrible migraine, thankfully, as the day went on, it got to be more bearable. I was able to even get a work out in and cook dinner! Then think about a big decision that has been on my mind recently.
You see, nearly two weeks ago I was approached at work with an interesting job offer. This was completely unexpected. I mean, I've worked hard at my job and I have to say I'm pretty good at it. However, this new job offer has caused me some serious stress over the past 2 weeks. I love what I do, I love the co-workers I'm near, but I really didn't know what was holding me back from taking this job immediately.

Then it hit me last night as I was in tears over it.
I was scared.
Scared to come out of the comfort of my everyday, and try something new. I prayed all day for an answer! Wouldn't it just be so easy for God to come down here and TELL ME what to do!? I bet He's havin' a good laugh at me now.

I kept seeing small signs and hearing things said to me; "step out of your comfort zone" "God's plan is bigger than yours!" "trust in Him!"... so I decided to take the plunge and accept the offer today...and yeah, I'm kind of terrified I wont be good at this, or that I won't like my day to day experience at the office...but I've decided to take that leap of faith and say yes to this new adventure.

God's got this, why should I worry?

Linking up with the gorgeous Shanna!


  1. Such a wonderful Wednesday morning reminder! (that I will all too quickly forget...) God's got this. CONGRATS are in order for your new job opportunity too!!

  2. Congratulations... I hope the new job is far greater than you can imagine!

  3. One of my favorite pieces of wisdom that I think about constantly is that people regret more what they didn't do, than what they did! So excited you said yes to this opportunity, and I can't wait to hear all about it!

  4. Congrats girlie!!! :) I'm glad you are taking hold of this new adventure. What an exciting year this has been for you :) Moving out of your comfort zone has always been hard for me but I feel like I always learn so much from it.

  5. I feel like majority of the time fear is what holds me back from most things I'm always hanging out the fence about. For years I wanted to open an etsy shop and sell my crocheted goods and my headbands but I was always scared so I finally decided I just need to do it! I'm so afraid of failure, but how do I know if I'm going to fail if I don't even try to begin with?! Trying to get it set up with a four month old is another story, but I'm going to do it because, why not?!


  6. What an incredible journey you are about to embark on! Remember, God has your best interests at heart and He is always working behind the scenes. He's in control and He will never lead you somewhere that He won't be right there beside you. Praying for you, sweet girl! Smile and embrace the excitement of this new journey!!!! :)

  7. congrats girl! that is exciting! if it's scares you, then it's probably worth the risk!

  8. Congrats! So excited and happy for you!

  9. So exciting! =) And girl, I have these moments all the time where I get so anxious and then I think... what the heck? God's got me covered. But, you're right, it's easy to forget sometimes. Thanks for this reminder! Glad you migraine went away! =)

  10. Wait, what????!!!! I didn't know you weren't feeling well yesterday NOR do I know about this new job. Details, please. PS. You can do anything…anything!!

  11. It's scary to take that leap but I'm willing to bet that you won't regret it. Congratulations!

    Sorry about your migraine - glad you're feeling better!

  12. I recently had the same experience! Excited about your new adventure! Be confident that He will give you the talents and abilities you need for the new job 100%!

    random question, so you and your husband just do the photography thing on the side of your real jobs?

  13. God's always got this :) I question his motives sometimes, but I'm slowly learning that he only has his best interest for me!

  14. OH good for you girl for taking that leap of faith and trusting in God! You will never regret it! He's always got it!

  15. Congrats and good luck with the new job! I'm sure you'll be great at it!

  16. Congratulations!!!! I hope your new "gig" is far better than you could have ever hoped for. :P

  17. congrats kayla! i'm sure you're going to kick ass at this new job :)

  18. Congratulations Kayla! You have so many exciting things going on in your life! :) I hope you LOVE this new position!!

  19. Again, I am late with reading, but CONGRATULATIONS! It is scary taking that leap of faith, but if you feel it was the right thing and it works out, it obviously is part of God's plan. So excited for you!


Thanks for your comments, I read and respond to every single one of them! :) Excited to get to know you!