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Thursday, January 12, 2017

January Goals {now that we're 12 days into the New Year}

It hit me with the hustle and bustle of the New Year I never blogged about my goals for January. I'm excited about the new planner I found at TJ Maxx, I love that it has a month long to-do list as well as a goals section! I'm very much a list person and writing them all down has made me a lot more intentional.

Lose 4-5 lbs. Trust me guys, I know the scale isn't everything, but for me? I know where my wedding weight was and I know where I am now, so I'm excited to be working hard to get back there. I've already seen a little progress, too, which feels amazing!

Book a new wedding. This is kind of the season of booking for photographers, a LOT of people get engaged over the holidays and so Caleb and I are hoping to solidify a wedding or two before the month is over!

Track what I eat. I've been writing everything down in my fitness journal. All of my food, my workouts, how I felt that day, my prayers! It's been awesome. Also makes me think twice about what I'm putting into my body!

Workout 15-20 times. I think this is one that I can accomplish, WHICH IS CRAZY for me because for the last year, I've been lucky to workout twice a month, here and there. I've worked out everyday this year except Sunday to get some rest! Hopefully I keep it up!

Cook more often. We are still loving being in the kitchen together, and trying new things! I'm finally feeling semi-comfortable in the kitchen! Woo! Guys, this is huge progress for me.

No coffee. Coffee isn't something I depend on while I'm at work, but I started to get in this subconscious habit of making a 10:30 cup of french vanilla EVERY DAY, mainly to avoid eating something sweet in the break room. I didn't need the caffeine (well, lets be honest, some days I did), so I decided to try and do away with it this month and drink more water! We don't even have a coffee maker at home, so that makes it easier!

Finish this new book. I mentioned yesterday that Caleb and I are reading new books, and I'd like to finish this one before the month is up. I started like 3 separate books in December, so I'd also like to work on putting a dent in those one at a time.

Pay off a chunk of debt. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming... we've got this!

Tell me, what's one of your January goals? Happy Thursday, friends. It's almost the weekend!!!


  1. So fun that you are enjoying being in the kitchen more! Usually helps with the weight goal and getting in that extra time with your husband!

  2. These are great! Isn't it so awesome to start to see some progress from working out?! I'm JUST getting to that point and it feels so good!

  3. I just posted my 2017 goals yesterday so you're not late. In fact, you just made me feel like I'm early. I guarantee, tomorrow, we can find someone else who's posting theirs so you won't be last in line either :-)
    Great goals. I also need to lose a little (or a lot) of weight in 2017. Starting a little diet reset next week. Just keep swimming on those debts. I'm paddling over here too.

  4. These are all such good goals. I'm especially loving the workout one! You can do it!

  5. NO COFFEE?! Girl, you're making me said!

    I kid ;) Good for you! These are awesome goals. My one mail goal this month is to keep organizing and cleaning our home and getting rid of crap we don't need. Typical January goal ;)

    1. SAD* I must need more coffee in order to spell 😜

  6. You got this girl! Great job on the getting back on a working out track.

  7. Great goals! My goal was to organize and purge, and I've already crossed a few rooms off of my list! It feels SO good! I didn't make a big deal of it or talk about it, but tonight Matt was going through the mail, and he sorted it and recycled the junk and said, "I'm really trying to be more organized this year, since the house is so nice and organized" and it made me SO happy! I'm trying to be better about meal planning and choosing my work outfits in advance, just to limit the last minute, stupid stress/decisions about all that!

  8. Oooh I love the look of your planner! What kind do you have?

    1. (I now see you got it at TJ Maxx but what kind/brand is it?? haha)

  9. I am eager to see how your 2017 goes. You have some amazing grows - both personal and professional - and you are so driven I am sure you're going to knock them out of the park.


Thanks for your comments, I read and respond to every single one of them! :) Excited to get to know you!