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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Goodbye June!

Here we are, at the end of another month. I seriously don't know how but these months continue to fly by like this (and I know I sound like a total broken record), but they do! I wanted to take a minute today to look back at June's goals! Because what's the point in making them if you don't evaluate yourself?!

Get up to date on our wedding edits - I'm counting this as a win since all of our April weddings are done and delivered (and loved by all the clients, yay) and we're almost ready to deliver the first half of May's as well! It's so hard to keep up with working at a desk by day!!

Lose 5 lbs - I CRUSHED this one. I have to say, I haven't been exercising all that much, but we've definitely changed the majority of our eating habits and been outdoors a lot this month, and I dropped 9 lbs total! I am so so excited. I definitely had it to lose, but I'm ready to step up my game in the gym now!

Get in touch with old friends - I think I did a decent job of this! Although, I'm challenging myself to do better in July!!

Finish the book I've been reading - while I haven't technically finished it, I'm down to the last few chapters but it has already changed my life and outlook on making my dreams happen. Yay for progress, not perfection.

Meal prep - while Caleb and I only meal prepped our breakfast/lunches (and not all of our dinners) and actually did weekly grocery trips, I'm considering this a win. This is huge progress for us! We only ate out a couple of times this whole month and that was always on wedding-days when we knew we'd be lower on calories and stayed in for dinner otherwise! Yay! Now to get better with dinners!

Get outside more - definitely nailed this one. Caleb and I took multiple walks after dinner throughout the month, spent an entire week outside for Sports Camp with our church, and shot 5 weddings - the majority of which are spent outdoors shooting!

Drink 100 oz of water a day - I actually did this a some of the time (or at least 80 oz), but not every single day, so this is a fail as well, darn it!

So overall, my goals weren't exactly 100% successful, but I'm pretty thrilled with the progress I did make! In other news, I made a hair appointment for next week (thank goodness) and cannot wait for the day I can put my hair in a PONYTAIL again. Woo! Yay for growing my hair back out.

How did your June goals go?!


  1. Great job! You rocked your goals. Congrats on the 8 lbs!

  2. haha i love short hair until i try and put it in a ponytail or top knot and then i hate it. congrats on all your goals girl, 9lbs!!! holy high five. seriously amazing! you go. and you might not have gotten to 100oz every day but like you said in regards to the book.. progress not perfection!

  3. You're doing great girl, and look at you for crushing your weight loss goal! Your water goal is amazing, every bit is great for you even if you don't meet it all the way :-D
    Green Fashionista

  4. You rocked it sister! I did pretty well too! But didn't get all my goals completed but that's okay, there is always next month :)

  5. Looks like it was a win overall for sure! Whenever I'm busy reading falls by the wayside too. Luckily with it being summer (and not as busy for me) I've knocked out 3 books in the last 3 weeks! :)

  6. Way to go on the weight loss goals!!!

  7. You are doing awesome!! I need to get back on the meal prep bandwagon this month, June was kind of a mess and we ate frozen pierogies more nights than I'd like to admit!! Do you have any favorite recipes?


Thanks for your comments, I read and respond to every single one of them! :) Excited to get to know you!