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Monday, December 8, 2014

Sweet tea and good friends.

Ah, Monday. It was so hard to get out of bed this usual. BUT! My heart was so full this weekend (other than the ugly loss to the Steelers which I refuse to talk about). I honestly don't have many words for it as it was pretty low key...but I'll give you a quick peek at what we got ourselves into!

Friday we spent the evening with one of my sweetest friends, her fiancé and their ADORABLE new puppy, Kora. It seriously gave me puppy fever and now I'm crying every night that we don't have a sweet little pup. Then I remember I don't have to worry about anyone chewing up our couch or peeing on my bed, and I'm happy again :) it was so great seeing Angie and being our usual, weird selves.

Saturday we woke up extremely late, and I didn't care one bit. We spent nearly the entire day shopping, then we got home, (I had a splitting headache that put me out for a couple hours) and wrapped presents all night before the OSU game came on. I can't believe we're almost completely done with our shopping, we're NEVER this prepared and I'm so excited!! My sweet momma and brother came by and when I requested sweet tea, momma came to the rescue.

Then OSU won (woo!!!) and after church Sunday we found out that they made it into the Top 4 and we got so excited! I'm not very invested in college football but if I had to choose a team to root for, you bet its OSU everyday! We relaxed all day Sunday (remember, I won't talk about the Bengals loss...) then and a fun evening of games with the youth group.

I honestly could get used to these free weekends! The rest of December is pretty much filled up, but with fun I won't take these free weekends for granted. How was yours?


  1. A gal after my own heart with that sweet tea! I do believe we keep at least 2 gallons in the fridge at all times. Ha! Ours was very uneventful, and just the way I like it. LOL!

  2. ohh yes sweet tea!! yum! what a great weekend!!

  3. So glad you were able to spend time with Angie AND your mom this weekend :) It feels totally natural now to read about your mom stopping by, or running around with her, etc!

  4. Ahh I love that your momma is around to bring you sweet tea!!! :D Your weekends are starting to sound like mine miss less busy bee! LET'S HANG OUT SOON!! :)

  5. I'm pretty much drooling over that pitcher of sweet tea. My word. I'm still so pumped about the Buckeyes! ...and you're right - let's pretend the Bengals game didn't even happen, okay?

  6. So what's the secret to her sweet tea - do tell! ;) I love sweet tea but haven't found the perfect recipe yet.

  7. sounds like a fun weekend! especially the sleeping in part! and I feel like I have the same feelings when it comes to dogs. I want one--and then i think about everything that that means, and I change my mind. haha

  8. It's a good feeling to be almost done with your shopping huh? I think I've reached the point where i'm addicted to finding the perfect present for people, all within a budget. I'm gonna be sad once I finally finish.


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