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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Hitting a milestone.

This past weekend I hit a very exciting milestone. I ran a 5K distance. I haven't done this in forever and it may not be very impressive to some of you avid runners...but dangit I am proud of myself.

I can officially run for 30 minutes straight. A year and a half ago when I ran my first 5K (that I was not very prepared for), I ran it in 36 minutes and a few seconds. I am so proud to say I shaved close to 8 minutes off. However, there were a couple huge hills in that 5K that slowed me down, so I'm trying to remember that...but regardless. I'm just stinking excited.

This healthier lifestyle has completely stuck with me for over 7 weeks now...and I'm just so happy I've began making exercise a regular part of my life. I honestly feel like something is missing if I go even two days without hitting the gym. Lifting weights has turned into a hobby, rather than just a small dream I once had. My go-to breakfast is my chocolate protein shake, and I eat greens for fun. Of course I still let myself have treats, but in moderation. I'm just so excited to be healthy again. I may not see HUGE changes in my body yet, but I feel better and am beginning to see small ones. So excited to continue training for this half marathon and see where this fit journey takes me.


  1. Woo!! Congrats girl :) It is such a huge accomplishment. I finally hit 10 minute straight of running last week- and I was so excited!

  2. Wahoo congrats lady! That's a huge accomplishment - I hate running so I'd be on cloud 9 if it were me :-)

  3. Yahooo!!! I'm so excited every time you hit a goal! I run a 5k in 28 minutes sooo we should probably run one together?! :)

  4. YAY!!! Thats awesome. We're gearing up for a 5K next weekend and I dread to see what my time is, at least its a flat course!!

  5. You rock!! (i unfortunately hate running!) :(

  6. That's great! I definitely can't do one in under 30, but then again, I hate running so there's that.

  7. Way to go! It's a great feeling! :)

  8. that is such an accomplishment!! you should be so proud!

  9. Sometimes I think that running 5k is harder than running a longer distance! Way to go!

  10. so so so proud of you!! I need to kick my butt into gear, too!

  11. You are killing it! It being the pavement, of course. Go go go!

  12. congrattties! Mucho jealous over here! I was doing so well going to the gym every day but then it got ugh oops!

  13. Congratulations! I've always said that when I started training for a half marathon that the first 3 miles were much harder than the next 10. I remember my first 3 mile run vividly and my time was nowhere as good as yours!

  14. Congrats girl! That is awesome! Keep up the hard work and dedication, it's so worth it! Also, please send that motivation my way because this lazy butt has so fallen off of the fitness wagon and I desperately need to get back on it. But seriously, you're awesome!

  15. You're amazing!! :)
    Congrats, girl. Keep it up!

  16. Awesome! Good job girl! It sure is a great feeling!

  17. That is so exciting! Reaching goals just feels so amazing. You go girl :)

  18. Great milesstone! Congratulations! I can get out about 2 miles in roughly 38ish minutes and that's walking/jogging intervals. I have tried 3 yet. My running is piss-poor at best right now.


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