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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

This weekend was one for the books!

Heeeey friends. Long time no talk.
Well, I guess it was just the weekend...but honestly? This was the longest weekend ever. I ended up taking a personal day from work Friday and I am so so glad I did.

Slept the heck in, showered, and my man and I were off to do some SERIOUS home-furnishing shopping. We literally didn't have to buy anything when we got our apartment...everything was either handed down to us, or something we already owned. So, you bet we went to town on Ikea!

We were literally gone from our apartment, ALL STINKING DAY.
We promised we wouldn't work on all our new projects until morning...but we were too excited. SO, at 9pm...we went to town on our new furnishings.

Waayyy too excited about our new DVD boxes.
We got a couple end tables, a new coffee table, some jars for the kitchen...that Caleb poured WAY too  much into...I couldn't get mad. He's too cute ;)

Saturday;  FINALLY USED MY CROCK POT! Buuuut, that was in the afternoon. In the morning, we woke up early...and cleaned the CRAP out of our place. Reorganized, put the rest of the new stuff together...and ran a few errands in preparation of our fun Fantasy Football Draft that night that we hosted. It was the first time we had over 6 bodies in our place at once, I think. It was quite the success!

I spy new storage containers!
Then we made some fun appetizers for our friends! Look away my veggie friends!! ;)

Sunday: Church. Flop on the couch. Yep, that was our entire day...and YES, it was grand indeed.
Oh, but I did get up to make pancakes for the first time in our marriage. They were amazing!

I spy new jars!

Monday - LABOR DAY. Thank GOODNESS we had another day off, we just weren't ready to head back to work quite yet. So, what does any normal couple do? Make MORE pancakes..... I couldn't believe Caleb took a picture of me with my ugly face on.

We also ran some more errands, got some flat storage containers for all my shoes under the bed, and watched a really good show!

Oh...yesterday also started my official "HALF MARATHON TRAINING"... my sister in law and I have decided to do this together...and I couldn't be more excited. So, for the next 8 weeks I am going to try and run 4x a week (roughly 1.5 miles, working up to a 5K distance over that time)...then I'll move up to 10K training for 8 weeks, then from there on out...I'll be in full half-marathon training.

I even have cute journals to document EACH run, my times, pace, progress, how I felt, etc. I'm so excited to document all of it and HOPEFULLY see some progress!

I know, super slow...but hey, gotta start somewhere.

I serioiusly cannot believe September is already here... woo! Bring on FALL!!!
Hope you all had an amazing, and extra long weekend.


  1. Yayyy for organizing your house! I had pancakes this weekend too and they were yummmy. Good luck with all your training - I can't wait to hear how it goes! I know you will rock it!

  2. Looks like a busy but fun weekend!

  3. I love shopping for fun things to put in my house!! And I LOVE organizing!
    I'm itching to run a race-my last one was a 10k, so as soon as I can start running again I want to train for a half marathon!!

  4. I love you. I should have made food for Aaron this long weekend but I am... waiting until marriage? NOPE I am soo lazy lol

  5. As I'm in the midst of living out of and on top of boxes and wedding gifts, your post of organizing and making it through give me hope ;)

  6. Good start on your training! I may be weird but I absolutely love training for an event... marking my progress and achieving all kinds of PRs feels so good! What did you make in your crockpot?!

  7. First don't have an ugly face. Only cuteness over there. I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever...I know it was Friday...but still!!! What is going on? I just bought the boys a little cubby hole thing for their toys, so I've been putting that together all morning. It's hard work! I want to see the finished product. Actually...I want to see an apartment tour!

  8. Thanks for having us over lovebug! :)

  9. Woohoo, you go girl with the half marathon! That's so exciting!
    I don't know if it's just me, but I kind of get a rush out of the whole cleaning and organizing and compartmentalizing thing. It just makes you feel so accomplished after!
    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts
    P.S. Not an ugly face- you're adorable.

  10. Yay for running!! I've been working on training for a 5K. Hopefully next year I can run a half marathon! :)

  11. So awesome kiddos! I miss some of the kitchen gear!

  12. Your organizing inspired me! Love your blog!


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