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Monday, June 24, 2013

Weekend happenings.

My Monday:

This weekend was supposed to be my "catch up" weekend, you know...draft all my honeymoon/pre-wedding blog posts, clean the place up, etc. kind of got in the way? & you know what? I just can't be mad about that.

Friday after work, Caleb was still crazy sick with some throat thing going on, I'm just thankful I didn't catch it! So we finished up The Walking Dead on Netflix, and now I'm dying because season 3 we have to pull up on some janky website, woops.

Saturday - we woke up early, went to some yard sales (found nothing, boo!), got ready and then went to my Company Picnic in one of the owners was INCREDIBLE. I mean, the scenery? It was like a freaking rain forest in his backyard. We had Montgomery Inn for dinner (amazing!). It was actually fun hanging out with co-workers, I am lucky to work with some fun people!

Sunday- since our church is "portable", it was one of the rare Sunday's of the year that we weren't able to attend (we have church in a big local hotel ballroom every Sunday!) we relaxed that morning. We got a phone call that kind of rattled me, and we had certain plans...and were let down that we couldn't make them, like really bummed. So many things came up that our entire day was one big hectic mess. Until we went and saw my grandparents. Their place will always feel like home to me! It was great to see them.

Sunday night started our church's annual Sports Camp, and I'm the photographer again. Caleb is typically the worship leader, but that requires some extra time and during our wedding planning we just didn't have that kind of time to spare! So he decided to be a Basketball "huddle coach"! He is pumped. It's such an awesome week, but probably the most exhausting week ever. SO worth it, though. Every drop of sweat, every night of tired feet, aching legs and headaches from too much sun exposure, is nothing in comparison to exposing kids to the love of Jesus. I'm just grateful I get to be a part of it.

I snapped a fun panoramic shot on my new phone, the day was just BEAUTIFUL.

I'll be staying up extra late tonight to get the FIRST honeymoon post to you guys tomorrow. Woo!

Sami's Shenanigans


  1. Good luck this week! Have a great time snapping pictures :) Can't wait for tomorrow's post :)

  2. Such a pretty day! Sometimes it's fun to have life get in the way but I definitely need a catch up week!

  3. Beautiful panoramic picture! Sports camp sounds like fun. Is it for adults and kids? I'm imagining VBS!! That first picture hilarious, that usually results in me indulging in some sort of extra fatty food.

  4. such a cool picture! I wish my phone did that!

  5. It's nice when "life gets in the way" sometimes, huh? Would I like The Walking Dead? I know a ton of people who love it, so maybe I need to check it out. Ok, what happened on Sunday with the phone call??

  6. Beautiful panoramic photo! And I love the ecard! And I can't wait to read your post tomorrow! And your name on my Dashboard still says Peveler. ;)

  7. Sounds like a pretty good weekend to me. I'm excited to read that post!!! :-D

  8. We did the SAME THING with Walking Dead. We watched so many episodes on janky websites...oops, but we just had to. Haha.


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