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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April's faves!

April was jam packed full of exciting things... and what's even more exciting is that TOMORROW begins WEDDING MONTH! Ahh.. it FLEW.

I know, I'm a broken record...anywho!

Onto my favorite things of the month;

1. My most "liked" photo of the month was this:

Probably because my caption said something along the lines of "I WILL BE A MRS. IN A MONTH!!" but truly...its fun to take silly selfies sometimes, right? Especially when we are so close to being married...the selfies will just be getting more and more ridiculous.

2. THIS RSVP...well, all of them really...but come on. Old school J-Lo!? AMAZING.

3. Getting a little tan.
Trust me, I'm always a huge "NO-NO! DON'T GO TO THE TANNING BED!!!" type of gal...however, I just need a good base for my wedding. Then I'll let the sun do its thing!

4. THIS picture message I got the night of the NFL draft. Caleb was waiting for me back at the apartment, jersey, hat, sweatpants and all. Can't say I hated it. Have I mentioned how excited I am to live with this stud lately?!?! Cauuuuuse I am!

5.  Ice.
What would I do without it? Caleb and I both set a challenge for ourselves this month...mine was to run 40 miles this month. I will have a full post on that to come! I will say, Caleb did AMAZING. Needless to say, our shins are not happy with us. Those treadmills are kinda rough on them...luckily May will be prettier and full of sunshine so we can run outside.

6. My painting (check out full post here) that will be hung in the new apartment!


Those are a few of my favorite things from April... also not pictured:

-Our cake topper
-My yellow wedding shoes
-New inky pens at the office
-Good gymshoes
-New faces around this blog!!

I'm excited about we are closing in on our last month in our wedding countdown. Cannot wait to share more details as they come!

What was one of YOUR favorite things from April??


  1. New pens at the office - love it :) Looks like April was an exciting month - 40 miles!! Yikes! Good for you guys! I love that painting and totally random - I love your shoes in that tanning booth picture :) Happy Last Day of April!!

  2. I always tell myself I want to pick up running- until I do it twice and then can't walk for a week because my shins hurt so bad! Happy wedding month!! Make sure you enjoy it :)

  3. Ah how exciting! I'm sure it will now fly by even more quickly! Love the painting you did aswell, so cheerful :)

  4. girl i love you, but i can't say tanning is ever ever ever EVER good for you. if someone in your life had cancer from the sun you would know it's just not worth it.

  5. you take the best selfsies! so darn cute

  6. love how y'all are both icing at the same time. too funny!

  7. Those shin splints really get ya! I hear ya on the base tan thing girl. I've started using L'Oreal tanning towelettes and they are AMAZING. The color I've been getting seriously blows me away. And they're streak free, which is an added bonus :)

  8. April was a good month but I think May may take the cake! :P Can't wait to hear how your 40 mile challenge went!! :)

  9. You are just so friggin' cute!!!! I can't believe the big day is almost here!! EEEEEEK! Love the song request, the painting (super fab) and dying to see your yellow wedding shoes!! ;)

  10. I love that you have a song request section. That is amazing.

  11. You are so cute! Yay for wedding month!!!! I can't wait to be in your shoes ;)

  12. So true..sometimes you just some good selfies!! And I'm loving these ones. And yessss to Jenny from the block. That will be so fun!! April was a great month for you, but guess what??? May will be even better!! :-)

  13. Great fun nĂ½ pics:)
    Come and see me and If you want we can follow each other :)

  14. Getting super close till wedding bells!! Love your green striped dress, super cute. And fun selfies are the best!

  15. Ahhhh!!!! IT'S WEDDING MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

  16. Wedding month! How exciting! What a great idea to have people request songs on the RSVP card.

  17. I love that green and navy dress! You should be an artist! And I can't believe it's wedding month!!!!!!!!!!

  18. LOOOOVE your RSVP cards with song request :) Great idea!

  19. I love that you put song requests on your rsvp cards! So fun!!


Thanks for your comments, I read and respond to every single one of them! :) Excited to get to know you!