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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My ladies: Part 3

I've already told you about the first four of the amazing pool of ladies I get to have stand next to me on my wedding day (here & also here!), and now its time I wrap these "meet my lady" posts with this one!

Meet my fourth bridesmaid: Ashley

Ashley was my very first friend when I was scared to death moving to a new school in 6th grade after my parents divorce. I knew we'd be like best friends when she complimented my amazing american flag velcro Skechers on the first day of school. Who didn't love a good pair of kicks back then? We also were famous for both buying "Kangaroos", writing each other notes, and zipping them up in our shoes. You haven't lived until you can store things inside your shoes, people. No but seriously, this girl is a constant light in my life. She is literally one of the funniest people I've ever met, and her laughter is infectious. She can make the hardest situations much easier to deal with, and  I am so blessed to have her in my life. We have both been through a lot for ladies our age, but have always stood by each other to cry, or laugh.. whichever way we feel like dealing with it that day. I love her to the moon and can't imagine my life without her!


My fifth bridesmaid: Becca

I met Becca in college, and man am I happy I did. She is always up to do whatever, the most random things, and have the best time doing them. This chick is incredible at hair/make up (as you can see, pictured above), so you know I took advantage of that when we were still college neighbors. She is so much fun to be around, and she made a lot of difficult times for me seem easy to get through. She is such a sweetheart, and will tell me how it is, right when I need to hear it. I so appreciate her and our friendship, random text messages, and constant love... and only wish that we lived closer so we could run to Walmart together like we always did in college for absolutely no reason. Oh, this girl also knows how to rock a sweet pair of velcros... don't make me show you pictures. ;)

So, that wraps up my "meet my ladies" posts. I can only hope that when I am recapping my actual wedding, you will realize these are some familiar faces! Can we talk about the fact that my wedding is a craaazyy 130 days away! WHAT!? *panic mode* ... just kidding. I have kept myself pretty cool throughout this planning process, and have only cried once, and aunt flow just so happened to be on visit that week, no judging. 

PS-- If you are a new follower, email me! I want to get to know you! :) its because of YOU guys that I keep on doing this. Your support means more than you know! Happy Tuesday, friends.


  1. I love these posts! I would like to rewind time and be a blogger before my wedding so I could do these too. Because my girls are the reason I stayed sane most of the time :)

    31 more days until you're in double digits! So exciting!!

  2. It's so cool you introduced your bridesmaids. it shows how much they mean to you and that's great to do on your part. So exciting!

  3. Woohooooo! Whew, I've got some gorgeous gals to stand with on May 25th :) I can't wait to hang with ALL of the bridal party for all the upcoming festivities!!!

  4. Hi! New follower :) Love this post idea... I think I'm gonna have to do the same! I'm getting married August 24!

  5. You're getting me super excited about your wedding with all of these posts!

  6. this brings me back to my wedding days!! so fun to have all such great women in your life to stand by your side!

  7. American flag velcro Sketchers!!! LOVE it.

  8. I love these wedding posts! Maybe I'll have to do some sort of wedding flashback series on my blog. Hehe. Looking forward to following along more with your wedding plans! Yay!

  9. ahh how sweet of you to talk about your bridesmaids, sounds like you have a great group of girls around you as you continue to march during wedding day!

  10. That is cool that you introduce them and make your readers a part of your wedding plans. Oh dang, I never had does that had pockets. Is it bad that a part of me kind of wants some now?

  11. haha, don't worry 130 days is plenty of time! as long as you don't procrastinate too much!!

  12. Such cute friends! And P.S. I love the "embarrassing" pictures your brother took of you a few posts down. So cute! I am catching up on your blog...once again, I have been sucking at blogging...haha

  13. How lucky are you to have such special friends you can include in your wedding. I am sure they are going to make the day extra amazing and memorable for you.



Thanks for your comments, I read and respond to every single one of them! :) Excited to get to know you!