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Thursday, September 3, 2015

When strangers are nice.

I pull into the McDonalds drive-thru and order an apple pie, act surprised when they tell me they are 2 for $1, and say, "I may as well"...I reach the second window to pay for the rectangles of heavenly goodness and am caught off guard when the adorable employee says "oh my goodness girl you just look beautiful!!", and begins to compliment my necklace. It's sad how this almost made me uncomfortable, and I nearly tried bringing myself down as if it wasn't okay to accept the compliment, but I ended up thanking her. Sure, I mean, I was thankful for the compliment, but I drove on anyway. I then started to feel bad for dismissing her kindness. Why do so many of us think we have to be down on ourselves when others try to compliment us?

I know that not everyone is this way, but its something I'm realizing I need to work on more. Why do I feel the need to reject kindness when its offered? I think that a lot of us are afraid if we accept these things, it means we're full of ourselves, think we agree with them, etc., when in reality - we should be thanking those people. Not only thanking them, but EMBRACING what it is that they've said!

I may not wake up every day thinking I look all that great, but I think this world needs more people who are confident in themselves. Who can accept a compliment without belittling themselves. Sure, we may have flaws...but who doesn't? This world is made up of millions of IMPERFECT we should learn to rock our flaws and be proud of 'em!!
I know this was a random post, but it's just been on my mind lately. I hope you all have a great week. I've so enjoyed some time off. I had one engagement session this week, and one Skype call, its been nice to focus more on my home and myself. Make it a great Thursday, friends!


  1. I am the same way. And the funny thing is I become annoyed when a coworker dismisses compliments and is so negative rather than just accepting the compliment and putting a smile on her face and letting it change her day for the better. It's always hard to take our own advice isn't it? I definitely want to work on being more confident in myself! And you are gorgeous girl...even when you think you aren't. :)

  2. So true girl! I've tried to be better at just accepting a compliment- because I KNOW I'm always quick to be like "No way. Yeah right" when someone does. Good reminder ;)

  3. Accepting a compliment is healthy medicine for the day so yes accept away - and who knows, if you dish out your own compliments to strangers (obviously carefully who you pick, ha) you may just make their day too!

  4. Well, you ARE beautiful, inside and out! I also have a hard time accepting compliments of any kind and definitely downplay them. I'll have to be more cognizant of that and try to accept them and thank the person who said them!

  5. im with you, it makes me feel so awkward. Which is stpuid but i think its because we live in a world with mean girls. cheers getting and GIVING more compliments.

  6. Accepting compliments is so hard, but especially so when you are caught off guard by them! Once though Brian was in the Chik-Fil-A drive thru and the woman wouldn't stop going on and on about how cute he was and how pretty his eyes were! He was creeped out but I think that was a weird situation haha

  7. Good reminder! It's nice to get a random compliment and good to accept it not dismiss it!

  8. I feel like that too any time someone compliments me. I mean, I can easily deal with "hey, I like your shoes" but I get super uncomfortable when people do stuff like talk about my weight. We had a board meeting at a breakfast place a few weeks ago and I ordered chocolate chip pancakes because CHOCOLATE and people at the table started in on, "do you eat like that all the time because you don't look it" and that kind of thing. I wanted to crawl under the table and order a salad like they did instead of embracing it.

  9. Let me help in your endeavor to better accept compliments... That photo of you above? Is GREAT. You look fabulous! (Now, don't dismiss this compliment, just take it in) There you go! Baby steps! ;)

  10. This is a great reminder post!!! I know when someone compliments me on an outfit I usually say - oh I got it on sale or something like that - diminishing the fact that they just paid me a compliment! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  11. First of all you look gorgeous in that pic! And secondly, I love this reminder - so important :)

  12. I had the almost EXACT SAME THING happen to me yesterday. The gal at the coffee stand told me "hello gorgeous" and complimented on how tan and sunkissed I looked. And I, like you, felt almost uncomfortable. Why is that? Why can't we just accept the compliment? I need to remember to be grateful and accepting of kindness, and to make sure I am spewing it too!


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