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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Confessions of a binge-thinker.

I recently read an article that made me realize that sometimes, I'm a "binge thinker". I can't fall asleep quickly at night because of all the thoughts in my head. I play out scenarios in my mind, and overthink the way people said certain things. It's so silly...but hey, its who I am sometimes. I've learned to embrace it, and I figured I'd laugh at myself and make a post out of what runs through my head on a weekly basis;

-I find it extremely hard to decide what to caption my Instagram photos/blog posts/etc.

-Taking a shower, and hearing a thump or creak of any kind, "I'm about to be murdered...."

-When someone knocks on the front door after the sun goes down, its definitely the guy from Strangers coming to kill us all.

-My favorite co worker goes a day without speaking to me at the office, "is she mad at me!?!".

-Once I'm in bed, I have to get back out just once more to make sure I locked the front door for the 7th time.

-If you don't use one smiley face in our entire texting conversation, there must be something wrong.

-My boss asks me to call a client to check in on paperwork. I secretly hope I never have to speak to an actual human on the phone and can just catch their voicemail instead because surely, I'll screw this up somehow.

-Speaking of phone calls, before I finally do make them, I go over the 17 different ways the conversation might go in my head.

-There's no such thing as "just falling asleep" at night.
-I try so hard to plan my future, when I know perfectly well things out of my control are going to happen.

Honestly, I've always been this way. It's pretty humorous...but then there are other times where I feel like I could care LESS about stuff. Pretty sure my brain is equal parts relaxed and psychotic all at once. It's exhausting having a brain that never stops thinking...I kid you not, I have probably 5 intricate, crazy, psycho, nonsense dreams a week, just ask my husband.

Thanks for sticking through this ridiculous and RANDOM Wednesday post... isn't that what Wednesdays are for, anyway? All the random nonsense hanging out in your brain?!
{insert adorable, random sloth to make you smile}
What about you guys; are you able to fall right asleep at night? Can you go right to bed without double checking the lock? Or am I just crazy?! ;)


  1. I do the same thing! I play out so many scenarios in my head before bed and usually think of all the way they could go wrong. I completely understand!

  2. Oh hai, are we the same person? Yes. I had a debate in my head about whether or not I should close the bathroom door when I'm showering home alone. I decided yes, I should because that way it would be harder for someone to sneakily come in the bathroom and kill me because they'd have to open my loud door. Obviously.

  3. "If you don't use one smiley face in our entire texting conversation, there must be something wrong." I just laughed out loud at work, that is SO me. I stress over that so much sometimes, it's ridiculous!! I just have to remind myself not everyone uses a smiley face in their texts like I do. My Instagram posts...yes!! I type out my caption in my notes app and then read it about 6 times then copy and paste into Instagram, only to read it another 4 times to make sure it sounds okay LOL. Matthew says he could post 5 pictures in the time it takes me to post just one. You aren't the only one on these, almost all...ALL of these describe me perfectly lol,

  4. Oh my goodness, I'm the exact same way. Derek always tells me I way overthink things (Everything!). And when something is wrong or bothering me, it's like every small thing that I can usually just push aside then starts to bother me x100. I guess one thing cannot be wrong at a time with me haha. Makes no sense I know!

  5. Cracking up at just how many of these I TOTALLY agree with, and do daily - too funny!

  6. Right there with you! I pretty much am ready to conquer the world at like midnight when I SHOULD be sleeping but my mind just goes crazy! Love the Lucy gif! ;)

  7. I love this... I am right there with you making sure the door is locked repeatedly. Also, if someone is knocking at my door and I'm not expecting someone, I make them knock like three times before considering answering it. ;)

  8. Oh my gosh I can't believe you wrote this today! I was just talking to Dom this morning about how much I HATE making phone calls! I have to make a lot of cold calls being a distance student to find RDs who are willing to work with my on clinical assignments. I literally write out a script, practice it, and then panic for a few hours before making the call! So silly but it makes me so nervous. You are definitely not alone!

  9. I swear, it's like you're writing my life story! hahaha. I do most, if not all of these daily. :)

  10. I over think everything. My significant other gets so frustrated with me because I'm always asking him if he's mad.. and it usually takes me about a week to caption an instagram photo....

  11. We are twins! I do the same things. Every single day!

  12. I'm semi like this but Keith is totally like this. He gets very distracted easily which makes all of the above go even longer!

  13. haha yes! I think a lot of us women are like this- can't help it!!

  14. I didn't realize there was a term for it but girlfriend, I'm a binge thinker too! Just know, you aren't alone.

  15. I am the EXACT same way - this post had me cracking up because I kept thinking, "Gosh, I do that, too!" Ha! "Binge-thinking" is a great title for it.

  16. This is in so many ways me! I can't go to sleep at night because I can't shut off my mind! And of course I think about everything I am going to say to someone before actually having the conversation! lol!

  17. I love that term "binge thinking." I'm the same way. Almost every thing on your list I thought "yep...yep..."

  18. I love this term for what is really being a Type A worrier, which I know all too well. Haha.

  19. I have to make a lot of phone calls for work and every time I call someone I'm crossing my fingers that it goes to voicemail. I think emailing someone should be sufficient... haha

    Your first point was my favourite - sometimes I'll end up deleting a picture I was going to 'gram just because I can't think of a clever enough title for it!

  20. I HATE using the phone for that very reason. I talk with my hands a lot so I hate that there are no visual cues to go off of, or any way for the person to have any idea who I might be or why I might be calling. 100% of my phone calls end up being super awkward.

  21. Oh my gosh, lol, absolutely love all of this!! I am so with you on every time someone knocks on the door or when I hear a thump and I'm home alone - I'm convinceddd it will be the end of my!!


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