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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Making appointments, ordering pizzas, and buying toilet paper.

Oh growing up...its hard work but also amazing at the same time.

As a kid I'd come home, finish homework and eat whatever dinner my awesome grandparents put on the table. Now I come home after a long day of work, fit in some cardio if I can...then order a pizza (I promise, not every night) :)

As a kid I got excited over a new box of pop tarts in the I get excited about finally making an eye appointment and ordering my new glasses!
New glasses! FINALLY! (it had been 7 years with the old pair, ouch!)
As a kid the laundry was always finished and folded, now I can't tell which pile is clean and which is dirty, and certainly nothing stays folded for long. Sometimes I even take naps in the piles...I'm so clean.

As a kid my biggest worry was what my Xanga username was going to be... now I am running an actual blog and have to come up with REAL topics to write about... (but I totally love it).

As a kid I experienced plenty of family vacations, obviously already paid I have to manage my vacation time off work, and save up for those costly trips!

As a kid I had a bedtime and would try to sneak on AIM at I wake up in the middle of the night and decide to snap chat my best friends because what the heck is sleep?!

Things certainly do change as you get older, in both good and not so good ways. Bills have to be paid, schedules need coordinated, and laundry doesn't do itself...but you get to decorate your own Christmas tree, plan your own vacations, and YOU get to order take out as often as you'd like. I wouldn't recommend it often though, it'll catch up with ya ;) trust me.

So, I guess I should say that growing up is the best...and so are late nights with your husband. The weekend is almost here, hooray!


  1. LOVE your new glasses!!!! Those are seriously so adorable!

    Wasn't being a kid SO easy? Don't get me wrong, I love being an adult for the most part - but I do miss that metabolism I had at 10 years old and the stress free life I lived (except life was SO hard back then - or so we thought). Great post!

  2. You had an Xanga too? I remember the days of that, I wonder if its still around??

    I also use to love poptarts, and now I really can't stand them. I guess when you're a college student, that's breakfast all the time and now when I'm an adult I eat other things.

  3. Gosh, this should be a link up. I used to think being a kid was SO hard. PSH.. I love this. Every last bit is so true and so relatable. LOVE the glasses. They fit you so well! Adorable! :)

  4. I agree with Karla - what a fun link up idea! I love to cuddle my warm clothes from the dryer and yes that has resulted in me falling asleep in them so you're not alone :)

    Ohh to be a kid again!! Maybe just a few days though here and there :P

  5. Amazing post, straight up amazing. And could you look anymore darling in those glasses? Also..the laundry thing... yeah... I have a huge pile just sitting on our dresser...not folded...mhm...grown up.

  6. I'm blaming you that now all I can think about is pizza....... ugh. But your new glasses look fabulousss! :)

  7. Love the glasses AND the post idea! So cute!

  8. Those new glasses are perfect!!

  9. OMG YES. Xanga!!!!!! Those were the days. Lord have mercy. I am loving this post!

  10. Yeah being an adult really sucks but is also really awesome

  11. hahaha xanga. I found mine a while back and died laughing about how ridiculous I was in high school.

    Love the new glasses!

  12. I love your new glasses! And I totally agree, sometimes I miss the care-free days of childhood:)

  13. I know what you mean. We just bought a new vacuum and got super excited about it!

  14. Those glasses are adorable! Absolutely love them. I'm due for a new pair myself...haha. Just another example of being an adult - paying for your OWN glasses. What the heck?

  15. Love the glasses! They look great on you! Growing up definitely has it's ups and downs but that's part of the fun! Crazy how things change though, isn't it?!

  16. The highlight of my week was scheduling an appointment to get our carpet replaced, haha! Your glasses are beyond adorable! Makes me almost wish I hadn't gotten LASIK ;)

  17. Loving those glasses!! You are way too cute, girlfriend!!

  18. Gah growing up is the BEST isn't it!? I swear I was going to make chicken tonight but now i'm totally ordering a pizza instead.

  19. Oh pop tarts...they were the best things! Haha. Being a child was so stress free compared to adulthood! I really don't know what I was complaining about! Haha. Love your glasses, they are the cutest!

  20. All too true! mmmmmhhhhm take out sounds good right about now...


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