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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

10 things I like about myself.

I recently saw a post floating around called "10 things I like about myself", and it seriously spoke to read all of these beautiful women's posts. To see what they saw in themselves, and for that to just be okay. I love when women can just be proud of who they know, I aint so bad.

Linking up here!

So, what do I like about myself? Let me list a few.

1. That I stand for what I believe in. Whether it be my faith, treating people the right way, or something I have a great feeling about...I will always follow my gut and do the right thing.

2. That I'm emotional. Okay, so maybe that can be both a good and bad thing. I have this tendency to bottle my emotions up, and then burst at all the wrong moments...but hey, its who I am. I'm learning how to express myself better, and love myself for it.

3. My eyes. I get my hazel's from my Dad.

4. My freckles. They come and go with the seasons...but summer time really brings them out.

5. My passion for photography. Ever since I was a young girl, I've wanted to take pictures. I've always loved looking through photographs. When I was younger I remember checking out photography magazines, and gawking at National Geographic pictures like this one...and swore one day I'd take my very own "wow" photo.

6. I like my intentionality. I'm lucky enough to have a few best friends that I'm very close too. I'd like to think I'm pretty good about staying in touch, praying for them, and letting them know how much they mean to me! Besides, what's a girl without her best friends?

7. My outlook on life. Almost always, you will find a smile on my face. I believe that the world is both a scary, but beautiful place. I love reading stories that restore my faith in humanity. I love hearing of random acts of kindness, just because. I believe if we don't look at life in a positive way, how will we ever survive?

8. I like that I'm not picky. There are only 2 things in this world I don't like. Cottage cheese, and green olives. Yuck. Want to make me dinner? Go ahead, I'm not picky at all. Take me anywhere you please.

9. That I stick to my word. You need me to be somewhere? I won't forget. You and I have lunch plans? I won't bail. You want me to come support you at your marathon? Count me in. When a friend needs me, hands down, no questions asked, I am there. I think it all comes down to treating others how you'd want to be treated.

& last but not least...

10. That I'm pretty tough. No, not in the muscle department (although I'm getting there!), I mean emotionally. I've been through my fair share of crap in really, trust me. There were days when I was younger I didn't think I wanted to be around, that I was the cause of my parents divorce, that I was a failure for not getting perfect grades...etc, etc, etc...but you know what? Those silly thoughts, and stupid things that have happened to me, do not define me. I know that I came out stronger because of all the cards my life has dealt me, and I'm happy to say I like who I am. All in all.

Self, you're not so bad.

So, what do you like about yourself?


  1. I think I have more than 10 reasons that I like you! I really enjoyed this, I think I may have to do this too. I have been posting far too much negativity lately!! Love you!! PS you are amazing at keeping in touch :)

  2. Woo! Glad you did this. Yes to #1 and #8!

  3. With every one, I kept thinking, yep!, yep!, yep!! You're amazing, Kayla. And you really are such a good friend. The world is lucky to have you.

  4. I used to HATE my freckles because I'd get made fun of. But my mom has always told me "A face without freckles is like a night without stars" and somehow that made it better :-)

  5. You are an INCREDIBLE friend and I am so thankful for your support, prayers and love! :)

  6. I LOVE that you did this post! Yes, celebrate wonderful YOU. And also, #7, your outlook on life, is fabulous and so inspiring to me!

  7. After this weekend, I could add about 50 things to this list!!! So thankful to have you for a friend!!!!! :) I loved how much we laughed this weekend! I can't wait until we can do again soon!

  8. awww i really liked this post kayla! we, women tend to self criticize so often, it's good to remind ourselves of the things we like about ourselves. those ten things make you a pretty rad person girl!

  9. What a great post Kayla! I know I tend to see the bad in myself over the good :( I think I need to challenge myself to write a post like this as well! Thanks!

  10. I love your positivity and your outlook on life. You are awesome!

  11. love this! what a great idea for a post--and just for life! it makes everything more positive!

  12. My whole life, I wanted Hazel eyes! (Yours are beautiful by the way!!!!) I just think Hazel eyes are gorgeous. That being said, I have finally embraced my (boring) brown eyes. Although I hate how boring brown is, everyone says that my eyes are pretty! So I have just learned to enjoy them :)

  13. Intentionality - I LOVE that word. Also, I can't get over how beautiful your wedding dress is :)

  14. Love this. You're right - this is a great idea for a self-conscious girl like me. Also, I love your outlook on life, too. If ever I'm looking for a reason to smile, I head to YOUR blog. Even when stuff isn't ideal for you, you spin it in the most inspirational way and I'm trying my hardest to follow your lead.

  15. Such a great list and a wonderful way to get to know you better! ;-)

  16. I love love this post. I love reading posts that restore my faith in humanity as well and I love random acts of kindess...ohh man, they make me tear up a little every time I read about one or watch a video.

  17. i love, love, love this post. my first reaction was "10 things about me? that's a lot... can i think of 10 things?" which is terrible. i think i NEED to do this post to remind myself of why i'm "not so bad" too :)

    ps. the last one is my favorite. it's hard to see if when we're going through the tough stuff in life, but it really does make us better people in the end.

  18. Wow I love this idea for a post. And you're totally a great friend. It shows especially with your friendship with Erin. :)
    And I have freckles too, so I enjoyed that one! I should try not to cover them up ALL the time!

  19. I absolutely love this idea! It is so great to speak about the things you like about yourself, rather than the negative!


Thanks for your comments, I read and respond to every single one of them! :) Excited to get to know you!